How I F*cked Up: 3 Lessons from Ken Erke

Author: Andrew Gall

Here are three standout lessons from our recent “How I F*cked Up” podcast featuring Ken Erke. Before Ken started his Chicago boutique agency Major Behavior, he led creative departments at heavy-hitter indie and conglomerate agencies like Y&R, RGA, and Cramer-Krasselt. There’s lots more knowledge where these three key lessons came from, so make sure you listen to the whole thing.

LESSON: Own your mistakes to build trust.
Both with clients, and yourself. Ken’s early struggles with delegation and red tape at big agencies led to burnout and stalled projects. Admitting this flaw helped him transform how he worked—and allowed him to create his own fresh agency model.

LESSON: Listening > selling.
A failed pitch taught Ken that understanding a client's evolving needs is more important than pushing a creative vision. Adjusting his approach—whether in a client meeting or during an awkward pre-pitch small talk conversation—has paid off.

LESSON: Fail fast. Learn faster.
An overambitious campaign that missed the mark pushed Ken to embrace quick pivots. As Ken says now: “If you want to sell one great campaign, bring three great campaigns.” Simple, but effective.