What I loved about judging Effies work

Author: Andrew Gall

Recently, I was asked to judge some of the work for the 2025 Effies—the true benchmark for impactful advertising. Here's what I loved most about judging this prestigious show:

  1. No hiding behind a slick case study or one-sheeter. Judging each entry required a good amount of actual reading—of graphs, charts, and numbers, even!
  2. The evidence of true collaboration amongst departments—including on the client side—was beyond compare. It's inspiring to know there's so much great work out there that is truly a full team collab effort.
  3. The diversity of the work itself. At Copacino Fujikado, we believe every client in every category deserves breakthrough work—and from sleep aid activations to Super Bowl spots for condiments, that ethos was on full display in the entries I judged.

Best of luck to all the winners. It was an honor to play a small role in it.